Members of Waterfest authorized clubs, who Pre-Register for the Exhibition event will receive a $5 discount on Saturday and a $5 on Sunday! Authorized clubs are listed on a pull-down menu of the on-line registration form.
If a member fails to list the club when they register, they will not receive the discount.
If you belong to a club that is listed, but the form did not give you a discount, please contact your club and ask them to send us a new list with your name on it. When they have done this, login again to your Waterfest account, go to the participant profile, check the spelling of your name, verify you selected the correct club again, hit submit and look at the new confirmation page to see if the discount is given.
If your club would like to be listed, is VW/Audi related, has at least 20 members and has its own website, please have a club officer e-mail us an excel spreadsheet with your club members' first and last names in separate cells.